Rabu, 24 Maret 2010

Menumbuhkan sikap positif dan motorik kasar
pada anak usia tiga tahun

Pada sebuah acara seminar kecil tentang cara mendidik anak, seorang pembicara bertanya kepada peserta seminar.”Menurut Anda mulai usia berapa seorang anak menunjukkan kerajinan??” Beberapa dari kami menebak saja.Ada yang menjawab lima tahun. ..duabelas tahun....tujuh tahun....remaja...tapi tidak ada satupun jawaban yang benar. Karena tidak ada yang berhasil menjawab dengan benar, sang pembicara akhirnya memberitahu. Ternyata jawaban yang benar adalah tiga tahun. Pada usia tiga tahun seorang anak mulai menunjukkan kerajinannya.
“Coba bandingkan anak usia tiga tahun dengan usia anak di atasnya...” Biasanya anak-anak yang lebih tua mulai menolak bila diminta untuk melakukan sesuatu, mengembalikan mainannya ke tempatnya misalnya. Sedangkan anak usia tiga tahun, sedang rajin-rajinnya bila dimintai tolong. Bahkan tanpa disuruh sekalipun mereka suka meniru pekerjaan yang biasanya dilakukan oleh orang dewasa. Kalau ayahnya suka mencuci motor atau mobil seorang anak laki-laki biasanya ikut-ikutan melakukan hal sama. Mencuci sepedanya misalnya. Mau menyapu atau mengepel rumah seperti ibunya.
Oleh karena itu pada usia ini sebaiknya orangtua memanfaatkan kesempatan untuk menanamkan tanggungjawab, kemandirian dan sikap rajin pada anak. Banyak orangtua yang justru melarang anaknya untuk memegang ini dan itu, melakukan ini dan itu, tanpa mengarahkan dan memberi kesempatan anak untuk bereksplorasi. Akhirnya anak menjadi tidak berkembang dengan optimal. Jangan sampai sikap protektif kita sebagai orangtua menghambat pertumbuhan anak.Beri anak kesempatan untuk melakukan tugas-tugas kecil yang sesuai dengan kemampuannya. Contohnya: merapikan mainannya sendiri, makan dan minum sendiri, memakai bajunya sendiri, dimintai tolong mengambil benda yang bisa dengan mudah diambilnya. Pokoknya tugas-tugas yang mampu dia lakukan. Arahkan untuk melakukan tugas-tugas itu dengan benar, bila anak keliru melakukannya. Beri penjelasan kepada anak fungsi dari setiap aktifitas. Aktifitas menyapu misalnya “ Ade ayo kita sapu rumah kita supaya rumah kita jadi rapi dan bersih” Kalaupun hasil yang anak kita kerjakan tidak sesuai dengan harapan kita,makan sendiri misalnya, makanannya bertumpahan kemana-mana. Jangan langsung marah-marah dan menyuapi anak, tapi teruslah memberinya kesempatan kepadanya setelah selesai makan minta anak atau bersama-sama memungut atau membersihkan tumpahan makanannya. Bila mau mengantisipasi supaya tidak terlalu berserakan kemana-mana, tempat duduk anak dan makanannya dialasi dengan koran.
Satu hal yang tidak kalah penting adalah berilah pujian kepada anak bila melakukan aktifitas dengan baik (walaupun tidak sempurna). Pujian yang kita berikan akan menjadi pendukung bagi anak untuk melakukan yang baik.
Pada usia ini gerakan motorik kasar pada anak juga mengalami kemajuan yang baik sekali, sehingga dengan memberi anak kesempatan untuk banyak bergerak dan melakukan aktifitas yang bermanfaat, perkembangan motorik kasarnya akan lebih maksimal perkembangannya.
Jadi selain sikap positif anak (tanggungjawab, kemandirian dan rajin) akan berkembang, motorik kasarnya (yang melibatkan gerakan seperti berjalan, melompat, berputar, berlari ,dll) juga akan maksimal.

Senin, 15 Maret 2010

Anak Anda Malas Makan???
Anak anda malas makan? Banyak sekali orangtua yang mengalaminya. Saya adalah salah satunya. Anak saya mulai makan ketika dia berusia 6 bulan. Pada usia itu saya beri bubur susu untuk pengenalan. Untuk praktisnya dan karena kurangnya pengetahuan tentang cara membuat bubur susu sendiri, saya membelinya di supermarket terdekat. Supaya tidak bosan saya membeli 3 macam rasa yaitu rasa pisang,beras merah dan beras putih.
Ketiga rasa itu saya itu saya berikan secara bergantian dan sering saya campurkan dengan susu. Sebulan dua bulan dia makan dengan lahap,bulan ketiga diberi makan, dia mulai melakukan aksi tutup mulut. Bahkan sering dia tahan sendok yang masuk ke mulutnya dengan gigi kecilnya yang baru tumbuh. Karena seringnya dia melakukan aksi itu, acara makan menjadi waktu yang tidak menyenangkan baik untuk dia maupun bagi saya.
Karena khawatir saya ‘curhat’ kepada suami saya. Beruntung dia mau mendengar ‘curhatan’ saya dan bukan hanya itu. Besoknya dia membawakan 2 buah buku kecil yang berisi resep bubur susu dan jus buah. Bagusnya buku itu juga berisi kandungan vitamin per-porsi dan cara memasak yang sangat mudah.Untuk jus juga demikian bahkan ada khasiat,misalnya jus tomat untuk meningkatkan nafsu makan, jus avokad susu untuk meningkatkan daya ingat pada anak.
Begitu diberi resep-resep itu langsug saya coba di dapur saya. Syukur kepada Tuhan, anak saya sangat menyukai makanannya. Acara makan juga jadi acara yang menyenangkan bagi kami. Buku seri makanan pendamping asi ini berisi 35 resep baik jus maupun bubur susu. Berikut ini saya akan membagikan 2 buah resep jus dan bubur susu yang saya kutip dari ke-2 buku tersebut:
BUBUR SUSU PISANG (untuk 2 porsi)
2 sdm tepung hunkue
200ml susu formula
½ buah pisang ambon matang
50ml air matang
Cara membuat:
1. Larutkan tepung hunkue dengan susu formula. Panaskan dengan api sedang sambil diaduk.
2. Kemudian, blender pisang dengan air matang. Segera masukkan ke dalam bubur hunkue yang sedang dimasak. Aduk terus sampai bubur kental dan meletup-letup. Angkat, lalu masukkan ke dalam mangkuk kecil.
3. Biarkan sebentar sampai berkurang panasnya. Sajikan kepada bayi.

Nilai gizi per porsi:
Energi: 237,2 Kkal
Protein: 8,5 gram
Lemak: 7,3 gram
Karbohidrat: 35,2 gram
Pisang merupakan sumber mineral potasium yang berperan penting dalam fungsi sel saraf.

JUS TOMAT (untuk 2 porsi)
2 buah tomat jus
100ml air matang
1 sdm air jeruk manis
Cara membuat:
1. Rendam tomat dalam air panas, kemudian kupas kulitnya dan buang bijinya. Proses dengan blender bersama air matang
2. Tambahkan air jeruk manis. Aduk rata, tuang ke dalam gelas.
3. Sajikan pada bayi.
Jumlah energi per porsi:
Energi: 26,9 kkal
Protein: 0,5 gram
Lemak: 0,1 gram
Karbohidrat: 6,7 gram
Salah satu zat gizi yang terdapat pada tomat adalah selenium. Bersama asupan vitamin E dalam jumlah yang cukup, selenium bekerja memperlambat laju perusakan sel tubuh yang disebabkan senyawa radikal bebas. Selain itu mengkonsumsi jus tomat satu jam sebelum makan dapat meningkatkan nafsu makan anak.
Semoga bermanfaat bagi Anda!!!

Hargailah Anak Sesuai Keberadaannya

Pada iklan sebuah produk di televisi ditayangkan seorang ibu yang heran seorang teman anaknya lebih tinggi dibandingkan anaknya. Bahkan sangking penasaran ia lalu menjejerkan anaknya sendiri dengan teman anaknya itu dan bertanya kenapa teman anaknya lebih tinggi dibandingkan anaknya. Di iklan yang lain ada tayangan yang serupa tapi tak sama. Di sebuah kelas TK seorang guru meminta murid-muridnya memasangkan mata jerapah di tempat yang tepat pada sebuah boneka jerapah. Anak yang lebih tinggi dapat dengan mudah memasang mata jerapah itu dibandingkan anak yang bertubuh pendek.
Ternyata gambaran serupa bukan hanya terjadi di iklan-iklan, tapi juga dalam keseharian kita sebagai orangtua dan pendidik. “Si Ivan kok bisa dapat 100 kamu cuma 70!!!”. Seringnya kita mendengar orangtua yang membanding-bandingkan nilai ulangan anaknya dengan anak temannya. Bukan itu saja dalam rumah juga seorang anak kerap dibandingkan dengan kakak atau adiknya. “Kamu kok tidak seperti kakakmu rajin...kamu tuh malas banget kalau mama lihat!!!”. Sadar atau tidak sadar, sengaja atau tidak sengaja membanding-bandingkan anak bukan hal yang jarang kita lihat bahkan kita lakukan.
Sebagai orangtua Anda dan saya tentu menginginkan yang terbaik untuk buah hati kita. Ada beberapa orangtua yang dengan sengaja dan sadar memakai metode membandingkan ini untuk memicu motivasi anaknya untuk menjadi lebih baik bagi anak lain.Memicu daya bersaing, begitu alasannya. Mungkin ada benarnya tapi yang pasti lebih banyak bahayanya.
Apa saja bahayanya?
1. Anak menjadi tidak percaya diri dan cenderung ingin menjadi seperti seseorang seperti yang diinginkan orangtuanya.Bahayanya dia bisa menjadi pribadi yang tidak berkembang sesuai kelebihan yang ada pada dirinya, karena berpatokan pada orang lain yang jelas-jelas berbeda dengan dia.
2. Marah terselubung dalam diri anak baik pada orangtuanya, dirinya sendiri maupun anak yang menjadi patokan perbandingan. Marah ini tidak terlihat secara fisik ketika seseorang masih anak-anak tetapi seperti “bom atom” yang siap kapan saja meledak. Pemberontakkan masa remaja misalnya.
3. Berkembangnya rasa iri atau sirik pada diri anak.
4. Rasa iri atau sirik membuahkan sikap bersaing yang tidak sehat baik dalam pelajaran di sekolah maupun keseharian. Segala cara dilakukan entah baik atau tidak baik untuk menjadi yang terbaik. Sikap ini bisa bertahan hingga dia menjadi dewasa. Ini seringkali terlihat di dunia kerja. Persaingan yang tidak sehat untuk mencapai jabatan tertentu,’ menjatuhkan’ orang lain bila perlu. Di kehidupan bertetangga juga sering terlihat. Kalau ada tetangga yang mempunyai barang baru, muncul keinginan menjadikannya bahan ‘gosip’ atau tidak mau kalah dengan membeli barang yang sama atau lebih bagus dari yang dipunyai tetangganya itu.
Seorang pakar psikologi anak pernah mengatakan bahwa kalau kita memang mau memakai metode perbandingan . Pakailah perbandingan perkembangan dalam diri anak itu sendiri pada periode yang lalu dan sekarang. Misalnya pada raport Andi semester pertama ada satu mata pelajaran yang merah,dibandingkan dengan semester kedua ada dua mata pelajaran yang merah.Itu artinya nilai Andi mengalami kemunduran. Contoh lainnya Ira malas merapikan tempat tidur bulan lalu tetapi bulan ini dia sudah mau merapikan tempat tidurnya tanpa disuruh walaupun tidak serapih kakaknya. Itu artinya Ira mengalami kemajuan dalam kerapihan.
Oleh karena lebih banyak bahayanya dibandingkan positifnya, jauh lebih baik Anda dan saya memilih untuk menghargai anak sesuai kepribadiannya, sesuai minat dan bakatnya, sesuai kelebihan dan kekurangannya, sesuai keunikannya.Hargai anak sesuai keberadaannya.

Selasa, 02 Maret 2010

Tips on how to find Motivation and still be Motivated?

Tips on how to find Motivation and still be Motivated?

[Valid RSS feed] Category Rss Feed - http://www.articlesfree.co.uk/rss.php?rss=337
By : Chukwuemeka Agbata
19 or more times read
Submitted 2010-01-31 12:22:41
My target today is to highlight some strategies towards turning into motivated in ones life. Yes, generally life challenges tend to create us less ecstatic because when we are ecstatic we are possibly not motivated.

What is Motiavation?

Motivation is the inner drive that keeps us going, it's drive that allows you kick start a task and see it through to the end. You can also say it is the reason an individual succeeds and another fails.

With this in mind, we apprehend that motivation is the connect between us and our goals. Without motivation you'll not achieve something and when you have apathy towards things, then you won't get motivated one bit. If you've got an attitude of apathy then you won't succeed because you don’t care if you do succeed or not.

As soon as you master the tips about how to stay motivated you may be able to also help other persons master the act. At first a couple of these tips could probably be troublesome for you to do or to keep in mind. It will eventually take time in your case so begin normally but after a while it becomes part of you.

Motivation has a lot to do with feelings, it is usually a case of how you feel. What this suggests is that you can also get yourself to feel motivated anytime you wish by mastering your emotions, facing the challenges of life head on, connecting with good individuals, and private positive outlook.

Daily motivational practice need to be performed so as to feel compelled to achieving your goals. When you start operating towards becoming motivated you will realize some of these tips almost impossible to act on. One of the things you would like to do is to form a to-do-list and build a commitment to yourself to see them through always. As we all know most times good things don't come simple thus don't expect these things to have an effect virtually immediately. You will have to work hard towards attaining your goals to remain motivated and after a while you become a master at them. The nice factor is that, other folks around you'll also catch the motivational bug as well.
Author Resource:

Chukwuemeka Fred Agbata Jnr. invites you to read more on Get Inspired.

Article From Articles Free UK

7 Practical Things You Need to Know on How to Start Organizing Your Life

7 Practical Things You Need to Know on How to Start Organizing Your Life

[Valid RSS feed] Category Rss Feed - http://www.articlesfree.co.uk/rss.php?rss=337
By : Jacob Schiffer
19 or more times read
Submitted 2010-02-22 20:43:35
Although getting organized is something that needs undivided attention, you can get started by following these practical suggestions: simplify, take things one at a time, delegate, create a checklist, make a schedule, develop a routine, and systematize.

Because life can be very stressful at times, it is unavoidable to experience disorganized way of living. Mess and chaos can be very demanding, yet manageable. Time management is the sole solution to your predicament. If you are serious in making a big change, you might as well try some suggestions on how toget started with organizing your life. Although this may be difficult to initiate, but taking things slowly would be of great help. Below is a list of things to do on how to kick off towards putting your life in order.


The best thing to do before you proceed to organizing your life is to simplify. If you feel like your whole life is in disarray, find time to make things less complicated by knowing what your needs and wants are. Do not try to stuff all things in one place only to find out later that it is about to overflow.

Take things one at a time

It is not unusual to grab anything you like all at once like opportunities, finances, and material possessions. Do not be greedy; know your capacity to carry out things simultaneously. You might want all of them, but you do not need them. It is normal to experience such things; however, come to think of how you can manage them without getting exhausted. Accept things as they come and take things slowly.


As much as we want to be hands-on in every task that we do, it is just hard to do everything with one body. Sometimes, our minds are so strong that it dictates us to take full control on the things that we do, but our body is so weak to obey; thereby, showing the exact opposite of what it is told to do. Maybe it is now time to delegate some tasks to others, and stop claiming to be one of the superheroes. You also need time to rest because even machines become busted when repeatedly used and abused.

Create a checklist

Even if our minds are capable of storing large inputs of memories, it is not unlikely to sometimes forget things especially in the presence of stressful situations. Therefore, it is advisable to keep a small notepad with you wherein you can jot down all the things you need to accomplish for a certain time frame. Every time you get to finish a particular task, do not forget to crash it out, so that at the end of the day you will feel relieved and satisfied. Knowing that you were able to carry out several tasks smoothly is already a great achievement.

Make a schedule

Getting organized is what time management is all about. Plot a schedule of all your planned activities whether weekly or monthly, depending on your preference. You have to include in your schedule the following: paying of bills, going to grocery, unwinding, hearing mass, and the likes. By doing this, you will be able to execute things spontaneously because you can already anticipate what thing to do next.

Develop a routine

Once you have established everything, you are now ready to develop a routine. Things will just happen naturally since you were already able to adapt on the situation. You do not have to be told what to do next because it has already been put into your system.


Put every single thing in place and proper order. Arrange all your personal files, bills, and office documents in separate shelves and if possible with labels, so that it would be easier and faster to locate by the time you will need them.

Once you have started getting organized, never allow yourself to go back to your previous life. Maintain what you have started and you will see amazing benefits of time management.
Author Resource:

To learn more on getting organized, you may want to check out more tips and other related articles at http://www.best-of-time-management.com/organized-living.htm

Article From Articles Free UK

Free Article Writing Tips to Increase Website Traffic

Free Article Writing Tips to Increase Website Traffic
By: John Michaels

If you're not doing so already, you may want to consider writing articles about your website's topic. Writing copyright free articles is a great way to:

* Establish your credibility and build your reputation and brand
* Establish yourself as an expert in your field
* Increase your exposure on the internet
* Gain laser targeted traffic to your website
* Increase the number of one way links to your website, which should help your website in the search results.

Writing articles about the topic of your website is a fantastic way to demonstrate your expertise and credibility and at the same time allows you to build your reputation and your brand. Submitting your articles to the various free article sites gives your articles the opportunity to be picked up by other webmasters for their websites and newsletters. When your articles get used on these other websites they must be used with the author bio section un-edited. This means that you can generate one way links to your website, which in turn leads to greater exposure and better rankings in the search engines. If the readers of your articles on other sites click through to your site, you gain targeted traffic.

Some Article Writing Tips
To get the greatest benefit from your article writing endeavors, try to keep the following article writing tips in mind:

* Try to stay away from turning your article into a sales pitch. Give your readers credit - they will be able to distinguish a sales pitch right away. Once they think they're just reading another sales pitch they will quickly click away from your article. I can just about guarantee that no one will pick up your sales pitch and use it on their website, unless it's one of your affiliates.

* Don't include too many hyperlinks within the article body and stick to only one in the author bio section. Most webmasters will not pick up an article, no matter how good it is, if there are too many outgoing links. I would recommend not having any links within the article body but sometimes this is unavoidable.

Which situation would you rather have: 1 article with 1 outgoing link to your website that gets picked up by 1,000 webmasters or 1 article with 10 outgoing links that gets picked up by 10 webmasters?

* Check, re-check and then check your article again for typos and grammatical errors. Have someone else proofread it for you before submitting it. Nothing says amateur more than typos and grammatical errors.

* Write articles that complement the topic of your website. Don't write about something totally unrelated to your website. Remember, you want to establish your credibility and expertise. Write about what you know.

* When adding that one link back to your site, make sure to include a keyword targeted link back to your site. I'm talking specifically about the words between the anchor tags. For example, this is how you should structure the link back to your website: keywords go here.

When the search engine robots come across this link they will index the anchor text and it will help you with those keywords in the search engines. Do not waste this valuable link by just having your website address (www.website.com) as the anchor text unless you have your main keywords in the website address. Try to vary the keywords a little as well when creating this link. There is speculation that having too many "uniform" links to a site may hurt you - just something to keep in mind.

* Do not place a copyright notice at the top of your article. This leads to confusion and may cause webmasters to stay away from posting your articles on their website and in their newsletters.

* It may be a good idea to write completely new content for your articles. Some writers just copy and paste parts of their websites and put them into articles. This may lead to a "duplicate content" penalty and may end up hurting your search engine results. I would recommend that you should play it safe and come up with totally new content for your articles.

How Many Articles Should I Write?
The number of articles that you will have to write really depends on how good your competitors are. If you're competing against many highly optimized websites, then you may have your work cut out for you. On the other hand, if you notice that your competitors are not all that great at the SEO thing, your road to article writing will be much shorter. Any way you look at it, writing articles can bring too many benefits that are yours for the taking.

Author Bio
John Michaels is a part-time editor for ArticleGeek.com. John has developed many websites over the years in many different business areas. He is a professional web developer/designer/architect. ArticleGeek is a free website content resource for publishers and webmasters and a place where authors may submit articles for FREE!

Article Source: http://www.ArticleGeek.com - Free Website Content

Greeting cards – Express yourself

Greeting cards – Express yourself

[Valid RSS feed] Category Rss Feed - http://www.articlesfree.co.uk/rss.php?rss=294
By : Travis M. Griffin
19 or more times read
Submitted 2010-03-02 06:11:44
Expressing feelings and emotions to someone can be bit difficult, mostly when someone has to propose to someone or apologize. There are many people who prefer expressing themselves freely but there some reserved persons who cannot express what they have on their mind; they only prefer talking to a person whom they know. They are not as expressive with others as they are with their friends and family. So, it becomes very difficult for them to express their feelings for others. Such people prefer expressing themselves through words and greeting cards is the best way for them.

For some people greeting cards are just a piece of paper but for others it carries a lot of significance. Greeting cards make any event or occasion special such as birthday, festival, anniversary, wedding and many more. Greeting cards are the language of love, care and concern. It is not only used to share happy moments in life but it is also used to show care and condolence on certain occasions of sadness. This is one of the best ways to send across your heart felt feelings, gestures, love and affection. You can just mail your greeting card that will show your love towards that person, even if you are not present during any event. This piece of paper has the ability to say many things that are in your heart, but you cannot bring it to your mouth. You can give greeting cards to anyone whether your family, friends, neighbour or someone special. You don’t need any special occasion to send your happy greetings to anyone; just send across your card and wait for their happy and delightful reaction when they receive your card.

These days people think that purchasing and sending greeting cards to family and friends has become old fashioned but the feelings that the receiver experiences while receiving cards is different than that while receiving E-cards. Greeting cards are also a beautiful way to introduce your company in fashion to the potential customers.

Greeting cards can also be used as invitations. Postcards can also be used as an alternative to greeting cards but the style and creativeness that greeting card has are bit different from postcards. Postcards are single sided without any folds and greetings cards have beautifully decorated front page opening up to the inner side with the messages.

So, if you wish to convey your love, affection and care to your closed one across the country then greeting cards will be the best way. There are many printing companies that will provide you greeting cards or postcards in bulk. But it is best to avail waterless printing as it is eco-friendly. The companies that use waterless printing provide fine art printings; they use the latest technology for the highest quality. Printing companies print different sizes and types of cards, and they will guarantee you delivery of your greeting cards in maximum seven to ten days.

Article From Articles Free UK

The relationship between husband and wife

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When Pamela Roch entered female menopause, one of her biggest concerns wasn't about herself, it was about her husband, Chuck. How would he deal with her "change of life"? They decided to have a long discussion about their concerns. This conversation became the starting point for Pamela's lecture series, "Menopause for Dummies". This popular series seeks to help women and men deal with the difficulties and changes associated with menopause.

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you. Wedding planning needs good organizational
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Getting Help for Troubled Teens: When and Where to Go

Getting Help for Troubled Teens: When and Where to Go
By: Heather Peters

When your teenager starts to get out of hand you have to ask yourself some hard questions. The first step is to honestly evaluate how you think you're doing when communicating with your teen. Do you feel you are sharing valuable information and time? Or do you feel there is a communication gap and he's hiding something?

Look for these warning signs:

* Low self-esteem
* Out of touch with reality
* Sudden personality changes and mood swings
* Violent behavior
* Drop in grades and school performance
* Self destructive actions or language (suicide threats or extreme diet & exercise)
* Reclusive tendencies
* Debilitating fears

Any of those behaviors done on a frequent basis can indicate a problem. At this point you should seek outside assistance. Don't be too proud to ask for help.

If you feel your efforts aren't working (or aren't good enough) first enlist the assistance of your extended circle of friends and family. Get everyone involved to bolster the spirits of your teen. Show him that he has a support system in place that he can count in. Work on building back trust in your relationship. If your child opens up to another family member better than you, keep your resentment inside, the focus should be on helping your teen.

Sometimes you need to bring in professionals. Don't wait too long on this step if your child is getting out of control. A delay can be costly. But where should you turn next? Consider these options:

School guidance counselor
This person deals with teenagers (especially troubled ones) on a daily basis, they are an excellent resource for insight into what might be happening among the social scenes at school. They also have quick easy access to your child during the day.

Outside counselors and psychologists
These professionals have degrees in counseling and therapy. Some specialize in therapy while others focus on testing. Its best to find someone who deals with teenagers a lot, they usually relate better to the younger generation.

Social workers
These individuals are often called in to work with families as a group and are quite familiar with emotional problems in a social setting. They can help identify issues related to family dynamics. This can be helpful if there are frequent conflicts at home.

These are medical doctors (yes, they went to medical school) who are allowed to prescribe medication and can hospitalize patients. Generally you would reserve this professional for a later step as licensed counselors are often a less expensive and personal approach to teen troubles.

Therapy can become expensive so check with your insurance plan to see which services are covered. Some companies impose limits on the type of services available and/or the frequency of visits. If cost is an issue don't forget that school counselors are typically free. You could also contact a local university or college, free clinics, counseling training programs, and state run offices. Some offices offer sliding scale pricing for lower income families. It's important not to let money stop you from seeking help. The wellbeing of your child and your family depend on it.

Author Bio
troubled-teens.topicreviews.com seeks to provide assistance for teens and their families to help during stressful times. All information in this article is the opinion of the author and not meant to replace sound medical and professional advice. Always seek the assistance of a professional in dealing with a troubled teen.

Article Source: http://www.ArticleGeek.com - Free Website Content

Inappropriate Behavior as a "Teachable Moment"

Inappropriate Behavior as a "Teachable Moment"
By: Norma Schmidt

Two boys in a first grade classroom were arguing loudly over an item they both wanted to use at the same time.

Their teacher approached them in a friendly way and said, "Boys, it sounds like you two are having a problem. Let's talk it out."

One of the boys told his side of the story, his face still tense but his voice lowered to an "indoor" volume. The second boy listened and then, without any prompting, came up with a solution to which the first boy readily agreed.

"Great job!" the teacher beamed. "See? You can talk it out!"


If we approach unwanted behavior from the perspective of our child's judge/jury/jailer, our first impulse may be to punish.

But punishment doesn't teach kids what they SHOULD be doing. It doesn't expand kids' problem-solving skills, teach them how to repair social mistakes, or improve their social perception.

Fortunately, punishment isn't the only available tool.


When the teacher in the story above heard the two boys arguing, she spotted a chance to teach better social problem-solving.

Inviting the boys to "talk it out" reminded them of their capacity to problem-solve without shouting or arguing. They saw that "talking it out" could work, and they were more likely to "talk it out" next time.

A teaching perspective has room for punishment in some cases, but the focus is on helping kids learn the skills they need to behave appropriately.

If we view inappropriate behavior as a learning opportunity for the child, new options open up.

1. Redirect the child toward a more appropriate activity.

2. Inform the child that what they're doing "isn't a good idea" or "isn't safe."

3. Give a friendly reminder about the rule the child needs to be following.

4. Guide the child through the steps of apologizing.

5. Ask the child to consider how others feel when she engages in the inappropriate behavior.

6. Help the child make amends to anyone negatively affected by the inappropriate behavior. Ask, "What can we do to help (name of person) feel better now?"

7. In the case of a conflict, prompt the children to "talk it out," providing assistance as needed.

8. Give a new rule, if the situation wasn't covered by the rules the child has already been taught.

9. Invite the child to think of a better to way to ask for what they want or need in the situation.

10. Teach the child appropriate words/behaviors to replace the inappropriate ones.

The rules of appropriate social behavior take a long time to learn and an even longer time to internalize as habits. Even adults don't do it perfectly!

When we use our child's behavior mistakes as opportunities to offer guidance, we're giving our child their best chance to become more kind, responsible and socially competent.

Author Bio
Norma Schmidt is a parent of two and a former Lutheran minister. Her career includes serving as a pastor, campus minister and cancer center chaplain. She has also worked with children with disabilities. Norma offers workshops on parenting and on living with serious illness. Her writing has appeared in "Coping with Cancer" magazine. Download her free report, "61 Great Ways to Teach Kids about Money" and look through her other articles by going to www.ParentCafeOnline.com.

Article Source: http://www.ArticleGeek.com - Free Website Content

Selecting Furniture for a Play Room

Selecting Furniture for a Play Room
By: Bob Benson

The furniture you choose to put in your play room depends mostly on your family's definition of "play room." If your play room is for a toddler to have lots of running room, your furniture will differ greatly from the play room designed to give adults the feel of a sports bar atmosphere.

If your play room is designed with a mobile child in mind, you probably will not need much furniture. An appropriately sized table for the child to sit at while coloring or drawing, playing with puzzles or doing crafts is a must along with a sturdy chair. A good toy box that could double as a hope chest for the child later is another good furniture item to include in the room. Throw in a couple of chairs for the kids to wallow on and your furniture needs are met!

A play room for older kids will differ in its furniture needs. A table with sturdy chairs will still be vital. Older kids who like to watch television or movies and play video games will also need a solid entertainment center or tv stand on which to hold the tv set. You'll need more seating for older kids, too. They tend to have more friends visiting and will require more seating area.

If your play room is for adults, furnish it accordingly. In addition to any favorite games, like pool or billiards, you will want your play room to have quality furniture in it too. Select a nice sofa or sectional with plenty of seating. Select coffee and end tables that can move quickly to accommodate snack trays or your favorite board game. If you are going to have video games in your play room, make sure your seating is placed for good game play.

If your play room is going to be used for hobbies, make sure your furniture is suited for the hobby of your choice. If your hobby is scrap booking, you will need a good, comfortable desk and a nice chair. A hobby such as needle point would require a comfortable chair with good back support and good lighting. If writing is your hobby, your "play room" may take on the look of a home office instead. Invest in good furniture that includes a computer desk and a comfortable chair.

No matter what your family's definition of "play room" is, you can utilize it best and get the most enjoyment from it when you furnish it according to its intended use. Don't put a lavish sofa in your play room if it will be subjected to frequent spills and gooey drops of food. Likewise, don't expect to be comfortable on furniture that is way past its last legs. Know your space, know your needs, and know your budget. When you take those things into consideration, you will make good decisions regarding the furniture and accessories you select for your play room and you can concentrate on what the room was intended for - having fun!

Author Bio
Bob Benson is the founder of Furniture online. You can check out our website at www.doll-furniture.info

Article Source: http://www.ArticleGeek.com - Free Website Content

Baby Crib Advice and Tips

By: Martin Smith

Congratulations! You have just learned that you are having a baby. Whether this is your first or not you need to look at cribs. Do you have one already? Is it an antique? A second hand crib whether antique or not needs to be carefully looked at. This is for the safety of your new baby.

The screws, bolts, and/or other fasteners should all be in place. Are they loose? Will the position of the mattress hold under your baby's weight? It is imperative that this be tested before you put your baby in the crib. Take something that approximates the weight of your baby at about 4 months old. Bounce it off the mattress to be certain it will hold its position. If it doesn't it could cause serious injury to your baby or worse.

When setting up the nursery (if it isn't already up) consider very carefully where you will place the crib. If you place the crib near a window and you have Venetian blinds, either shorten the cords or anchor them somewhere that your baby can't reach and get a hold of them. If it all possible avoid placing the crib near the window. As your baby grows into a toddler and s/he attempts to climb out of the crib; s/he could possibly fall which could cause serious injury to your baby.

Blankets and your baby are not necessarily a good mix. With the incidents of SIDS today, you want to be sure to do everything that could possibly put your infant at risk. It is more advisable to put your baby to bed in a sleeper. If you absolutely have to have a blanket on the baby, tuck it tightly around and under the foot of the mattress with your baby's feet touching the footboard. Also you don't want to put the blanket any higher on the baby than up to his chest as that will help prevent him from slipping under the blankets and suffocating.

Bumper pads are a great concept but unless they are secured properly, there is a risk of your baby slipping between the mattress and the bumpers and possibly suffocating. If you use them they should be anchored in at least eight places one at each corner of the crib and at least two spaced evenly on each of the sides. There should be a total of 16 ties in all, for the top and bottom.

Mobiles are a nice addition and look adorable but... the caution here is that if you use a mobile as soon as your baby starts to sit up on his own the mobile should be taken down to prevent your baby from getting tangled in it. Also make sure that it has no small removable parts that your baby could choke on.

If your crib is second hand no matter whether you had for a previous child or you got it from someone else check out the mattress carefully. Make sure there are no cracks or holes in the mattress covering. Make sure too that the mattress properly fits in the crib. Here again, your child could slip between the mattress and the sidebars or the end boards and suffocate. The mattress should fit snugly in the crib. Now the sheets you use in your baby's crib should also fit properly and not slip and slide. Sheet anchors are available that hook on the sheet under the mattress and keep it in place.

The position of the mattress is imperative for your child's safety. Most parents put the mattress at the highest position when the baby first comes home because it is so much easier to change him in that position. As your baby becomes more active you will want to lower the mattress accordingly. Once your baby is able to pull up to a standing position put the mattress in the lowest possible position and to be sure your baby is safe, measure the distance between the top of the side bar and the mattress. In the lowest position the distance of the top of the side bar should be no more than 26 inches above the mattress. If your child's head is over the side bar or they climb out of the crib, it maybe time to move your child to a regular bed. Some cribs are convertible into beds tat will grow with your child.

The crib itself should be looked over for things that might put your baby at risk. Have you seen those cribs that have ornate designs carved into the end boards? They are beautiful but they pose a danger to your child. Your child could get his head or arm and leg caught and sustain an injury. The simpler the design of the crib the safer your child may be.

Since approximately 1974 federal safety guidelines for cribs state that the slats should be no more than 2 3/8 inches apart. This is to prevent your baby from getting his head stuck between the slats. This could cause injury to your baby but it would necessitate the removal of some of the slats and that alone would.

Author Bio
Martin Smith is a successful freelance writer providing advice for consumers on purchasing a variety of Baby Crib Bedding and more! His numerous articles provide a wonderfully researched resource of interesting and relevant information.

Article Source: http://www.ArticleGeek.com - Free Website Content

Can You Stay Home

Can You Stay Home?
By: Stephanie Foster

One of the first things you have to figure out when you realize that you want to stay home with your kids is whether or not you can afford to do so. You are probably used to living on two incomes, so making the switch to a single income may not be easy. However, it may not be as hard as you think.

If you have children already, the first thing that goes away when you decide to stay at home is the cost of daycare. However, if you work at home, part of that cost may remain, unless your work is such that you can keep the children home with you. Take a look at how much of your income right now is going to daycare. That cost alone may prove to you that you don't need a high-paying work at home job to stay home - a simpler one may suffice.

There are several other costs that will drop if you stay at home. You'll be in a different tax bracket. You'll probably drive less, eat out less often and you won't need clothes for work, which can save both on shopping and on dry cleaning bills.

When you're figuring out how much it costs you to work outside the home, don't assume that becoming a stay at home or work at home parent will cause you to stop eating out. You will have those days where you decide to take the kids out, more likely than not.

One thing many parents forget to think about when they decide to stay at home is to handle retirement planning. Now, if you're just staying home for a year or two, it's probably not a big deal, but if you plan on staying home for many years, this can be a huge impact on you when you do retire. You may not have the finances to fund your retirement account well when your family is living on only one income, but you should try to do at least a little. See my article on retirement planning for stay at home parents for more information.

Use this information to figure out what you will need to earn while staying at home. Some will be fine as a single income family, but others will need the stay at home parent to earn some kind of income. Ideally, this will be a relatively small amount, as the whole point of having a stay at home parent is to have more time with the kids and benefit them, not maintain a freely spending lifestyle. However, if a single income isn't enough, a work at home job or home business will likely become necessary.

Figure out how much income will be necessary and how much risk you are willing to take. Work at home jobs are harder to come by, but home businesses are by their nature more risky, and it may take a few years to earn an adequate income from a business. Plan accordingly, and know that you might not be able to live your preferred lifestyle right away.

Fortunately, by the time you take out the costs of working outside the home, you will likely find you don't need to earn what you used to. Half or even less of your previous income may be quite adequate. It may require sacrifice, but that's what being a parent is about.

Author Bio
Stephanie Foster is the owner of Home with the Kids, a resource for stay at home parents. To learn more about being a successful stay at home parent, please subscribe to the newsletter at www.homewiththekids.com/newsletter

Article Source: http://www.ArticleGeek.com - Free Website Content

Jumat, 19 Februari 2010

Picking Furniture for a Nurser

Picking Furniture for a Nursery

By: Bob Benson

Furnishing a nursery can be a wonderful time for an expectant mother. Not only is it fun to prepare for the birth of a baby, but it gives the expectant mother an outlet for those nesting instincts that will soon kick in. A lot of well-meaning people (i.e. parents and in-laws) will convince you that you simply must have certain furniture for your new baby's room.

Some of the furniture you will likely consider includes:

  • Bassinette
  • Crib
  • Changing table
  • Dresser
  • Rocking chair
Do you need it all? Only you can know for sure. Ask yourself, "What furniture am I really likely to use?"

A bassinette is handy for keeping the new baby very close. Most are portable so you can roll them throughout the house. If someone offers to loan you a bassinette, take them up on it as long as the mattress is clean and in good shape. You'll only use a bassinette for a short period of time, so why invest in it as a major piece of furniture?

A crib, however, is a different story. If you plan for your child to sleep on his or her own at all, you will want a crib. It's not as safe to borrow a crib from someone and while cribs are a type of baby furniture that have sentimental attachments, don't agree to use an old crib because it was the one your husband used when he was a baby. Safety standards have changed dramatically and what was once considered safe furniture, might not be now. Look online to find baby crib safety standards. Make sure any spindles on the bed are placed close enough so that the baby cannot get his or her head stuck between them. Also, make sure there's no lead paint on the bed. If you're like most mothers, you'll feel better about your baby's safety if you buy new or one that was just recently used by someone you know.

Do you need a changing table? Mothers went for years without this piece of furniture. But, they are nice to have and at a convenient height that saves some back strain. It's a matter of available space, available money and your willingness to bend over to change a diaper!

A dresser, if bought to last for years, would be a good furniture investment. Don't waste money on a cutesy theme dresser that the baby will only outgrow when he or she starts to develop personal tastes. Instead, think about the rest of your house. Do you have a lot of mahogany furniture or a lot of white painted furniture? Buy a dresser that you can move elsewhere in the house if your child decides he or she hates it down the road. Buy solid wood. The furniture will last longer and it will contain fewer chemicals than cheaper veneer furniture pieces often include in the processing stage or in the glue used to hold pieces together.

Everyone thinks you need a rocking chair if you have a baby. Is it a necessary piece of furniture for the nursery? Not if you have a rocking chair somewhere else in the house. No mother or baby wants to spend all their time in the nursery anyway. Use rocking time in another room to give you both a change of pace - unless you just want to buy a rocker.

Author Bio
Bob Benson is the founder of Furniture online. You can check out our website at www.my-wicker-furniture.info.

Article Source: http://www.ArticleGeek.com

Seventeen Reasons To Homeschool Your Kids

Seventeen Reasons To Homeschool Your Kids

By: Rudy Silva

Homeschooling was once a rare educational method. Today it is well known and an accepted way to education your kids.

Most parents thinking of homeschooling have a difficult time deciding whether to do it or not. The following is a list 17 reasons why other parents are homeschooling their kids. And, there is one important question you must answer correctly if you expect to succeed in homeschooling. This will be given to you at the end of this article.

  • Private school is to expensive

  • Their children have problems learning in school or have a hard time getting along with other kids

  • They have special health needs

  • They are unhappy with the public school curriculum

  • They want their kids to have a better education

  • They enjoy homeschooling and being with their children

  • They don't want their kids to be badly influenced by other kid and learn their bad behaviors

  • They want their kids to learn the skills they need to succeed in life

  • They want their kids to receive an education that caters to their interests, ability level and aspirations

  • They move around, following husbands work, and this is a way to keep the family together

  • Their kids would get the individual attention they really needed

  • It gives the kids a chance to become who they really are by giving them more freedom to express themselves than public schools would allow.

  • The want to see their kid grow and turn into wonderful, capable, loving person.

  • They want a way of life that allows the whole family to be together

  • They feel they are releasing their kids to strangers to raise them and this is not what they want to do

  • Their own educational philosophy greatly differs with the public school education.

So how do you decide whether to homeschool or not. Well, you're going to need a lot of information. You need to learn about,
  • academic research

  • legal homeschool rulings

  • homeschooling practicals

  • schooling materials

  • how much it will cost

  • how to evaluate what you are doing

One more important thing you will need to find out. You need to know what it feels like to homeschool your kids day in and day out.

Finally, the most important question you have to answer if you are planning to homeschool your kids is:

Do you really enjoy being and spending time with your kids? The question is, if you enjoy spending a lot of time with your kids every day. You must like being with your kids most of the time and if you don't then most likely, homeschooling is not for you.

Author Bio
For more tips and information about homeschooling and a special email course on homeschooling go to: www.for--you.com/homeschooling2
Rudy Silva has a BA Physics degree and is a Natural Nutritional trainer, teaching people how to gain good health.

Article Source: http://www.ArticleGeek.com

Being What We Want to See

Being What We Want to See

By: Norma Schmidt

My parents had just come home from a farmer's market and noticed an extra bag of peaches.

"You have to take these back," my mom told my dad. "WE HAVE KIDS. We can't keep something we didn't pay for."

My mother was putting her finger on an essential truth: Kids absorb the values they see adults putting into action.

Ever notice how quickly kids spot any inconsistency between what we say and what we do? Long before kids can spell "hypocrisy," they notice when our actions fall short of our words.

"Don't worry that children never listen to you; worry that they are always watching you," author Robert Fulghum says.

Kids need to see us "walking the talk."


If you volunteer in your child's school, you might have noticed that savvy teachers practice "being what they want to see" in their students.

These teachers encourage respect by speaking respectfully to their students, even when correcting them. They teach self-control by sticking to "indoor voices" in the classroom, especially in situations that could provoke angry shouting.

"Being what we want to see" isn't always easy - though perhaps it's easier with other people's children!

At home one day, I found myself shouting "STOP YELLING!" at the top of my lungs. I caught the inconsistency between my words and behavior about two seconds before my child commented on it.


If we vent our anger through yelling, put-downs or sarcasm, that's how our kids will learn to handle their anger.

I once heard a preschool teacher say that by listening to the children, she could tell exactly how their mothers spoke to their husbands!

If we respond to unpleasant situations with kindness, self-control and respect, then our kids will learn that.

Not all at once, and not perfectly. But surely.

And that extra bag of peaches?

Soon after my dad left to return them, the phone rang.

"We stopped by, but you weren't home," my grandmother said. "Did you get the bag of peaches we left you?"

We all shared a big laugh when my dad got home. And more than 35 years later, whenever a clerk makes an error in my favor, I remember the peaches.

Author Bio
Norma Schmidt, M.A., M.Div., is a parent of two and a former Lutheran minister with experience as a pastor and a cancer center chaplain. She gives workshops on parenting and on living with illness. To get her free report, "61 Great Ways to Teach Kids About Money," visit www.ParentCafeOnline.com/pages/53/index.htm

Article Source: http://www.ArticleGeek.com

DNA Paternity Testing - 5 key questions you should ask your DNA testing provider

DNA Paternity Testing - 5 key questions you should ask your DNA testing provider.

By: Peter Vine

DNA paternity testing in its purest form is the application of DNA technology to provide information about the parentage of an individual (usually a child). The mother of the child is rarely disputed, and most of the time DNA testing is requested to inform the likely father of a child.

DNA is inherited from our parents, with half coming from the mother, and the other half from the father. This pattern of inheritance allows the opportunity where the mother of the child is not disputed, to produce a putative DNA profile of the biological father. The process is relatively simple in that the final DNA profile of the child is composed of a series of bands which can only come from the two parents. If the mother's bands are deducted from the child profile the remainder must come from the biological father. Any male that may consider himself the father can have a DNA profile produced and compared against the remaining bands in the child's profile.

There can only be two outcomes from this type of comparison. The first is a 'no-match' scenario where the remaining bands in the child's profile could not have come from the sample obtained from the alleged father. This is known as exclusion and eliminates the possibility of this individual being the biological father of the child. The second is a 'match' scenario where the remaining bands in the child's profile could all be accounted for by comparison with the alleged father. If this is the case the significance of the match needs to be assessed by a DNA interpretation expert who will provide a degree of certainty associated with the likelihood that the alleged male is the biological father of the child.

Before you commission any Paternity DNA testing you should be sure you have clear answers to the following 5 key questions:

1. Has the DNA testing facility been accredited by a validated external body such as the American Association of Blood Banks (AABB). If the answer is no, do not have your testing done by this company, you may not be able to rely on the results.

2. Does the company carrying out the DNA testing have a thorough track-record in this area of work, and have they proved their technology in court? Be wary of companies that sub-contract their testing. DNA profile interpretation can be a tricky business, and there is a lot at stake when you commission a DNA test, and you want reassurance on the reliability of your service provider.

3. Is the company you are planning to use an accredited laboratory or merely a broker? Brokers are simply in this game to make money, and have no interest in the quality or the impact of this life changing technology. Avoid them irrespective of the tempting pricing they may offer you.

4. What degree of certainty does the company provide in relation to the results of the tests? An exclusion should be 100% with an inclusion at, at least 99.99% confidence levels. These are the figures that are expected in a court of law.

5. Does the internal quality standard require duplication of all results before they are reported to the customer? This is an industry standard requirement which is often overlooked by some of the 'cheaper' DNA testing providers.

If the answer to any of these questions is unclear, my strong advice is to find an alternative provider. You simply do not want to trust such an important piece of work to a company that does not guarantee a top quality product, with excellent customer care back-up.

If you want to find out more about DNA Paternity Testing click on the links in the author section below.

Author Bio

Peter Vine is a successful online publisher of Home-DNA-Test-Expert.com
He provides practical advice and the latest information on all aspects of DNA Paternity Testing, which you can readily research on his website.

Article Source: http://www.ArticleGeek.com

The Four Parenting Styles

The Four Parenting Styles

By: Hanif Khaki

The following article offers some insight to those involved in the wonderful world known as Parenting.

There are just as many parenting styles as there are a number of parents. Experts believe the parenting styles fall into 4 different and identifiable styles: authoritarian, indulgent, authoritative, and uninvolved.

Let's examine this more closely. The first parenting style is that of the authoritarian parent. These parents are like army commanders. They prefer to issue commands and orders to their children and fully expect their children to carry out their orders without questioning them. Authoritarians do not welcome nor appreciate any feedback from their children. They live by set and defined rules in a structured environment.. These children as we now know, are generally considered to have an unhappy nature about them. Boys generally exhibit hostile behaviour when dealing with frustration, whereas girls tend to give up easily when faced with difficult situations. Both the boys and girls however, tend to perform better in school due to their disciplined upbringing.

The second parenting style is the indulgent parent. These parents are generally lenient. They allow a variety of behaviours by their children that some would describe as immature. Essentially, they let the children look after themselves and avoid confronting them at all costs. Indulgent parents may also be described as non-directive or democratic. Non-directive parents are known to parent by default, that is, by taking virtually no action in parenting of their children. Democratic parents, though lenient, are more aware and show a committment to engage with their children.

The third parenting style is that of the authoritative parent. These parents are both demanding and responsive at the same time. Authoritative parents while expecting their their children to behave in a certain manner, don't impose their authority and welcome a certain amount of questioning. They demonstrate a combination of assertiveness coupled with the ability to respond to their children's feedback. These children appear to be more lively and have a happier disposition about them. Their self-confidence is more developed they seem to be more sure of their abilities. These children also show better emotional control and are more adept in their social skills. Gender stereotypes are also less of an issue with authoritative parents, as they tend to be more open minded in their outlook towards their children's behaviour, i.e. boys playing with dolls and girls playing with tools.

Lastly, we look at the parenting style known as "uninvolved parenting". As the name suggests, these parents are simply uninvolved. They are neither demanding nor responsive of their children and they are not interested in any feedback from them. These parents are the most likely to be irresponsible and more often neglect their children.

We hope you found the above information insightful and will seek out the many more resources available on this topic online.

Author Bio
Hanif Khaki is the acclaimed author of numerous parenting related articles and the founder of the popular parenting resource site www.parenting-info.inform-about.com

Article Source: http://www.ArticleGeek.com

Educating Your Children: The Home Shooling Option

Educating Your Children: The Home Schooling Option

By: Colin P

An ever growing number of thoughtful parents are concerned about the status of public schools in many cites across North America. At the same time, a good number of families are struggling to make ends meet. They simply do not have excess funds available to send their children to private schools. One solution that many families are embracing is home schooling. With each passing school year, more and more families in North America -- indeed, in many countries around the world -- are electing the home schooling for their children.

There are some definite benefits and specific drawbacks to choosing home schooling for your children. Turning to the positive elements of home schooling first, chief amongst them is the fact that parents have greater control over the education of their children.

One of the more significant complaints frequently expressed about both public and private schools is the lack of input and control a parent has over the education of his or her child or children. While there are certain educational standards that must be met when it comes to home schooling, a parent has a significant degree of discretion over how his or her child or children will be taught.

In addition to more control over the educational process, most parents who are involved in the home schooling of their children believe that their children are obtaining a far better course of education. Many of these parents simply believe that public schools are not up to muster and that home schooling ensures that their children will be properly educated.

Of course, when contrasting home schooling with the private school alternative, educating your children at home is significantly less expensive. The tuition costs and other fees associated with most private schools continue to increase each and every year. As a result, many families simply have been priced out of the private school market all together.

People who are involved in home schooling believe that educating children at home works to develop a stronger bond between parents and children. The very fact that children will be spending more time with their parents because of being schooled in the home enriches the relationship between the generations.

There are some drawbacks to home schooling as well. The primary complaint that some education experts have in regard to home schooling is based on the need for children to interact socially with other children. These experts maintain that one of the most important components of attending school -- be it in a public or private setting -- are the opportunities for children to interact with each other. These opportunities are more limited when a child is home schooled.

With that said, there are now different organizations and associations that have been formed that bring children who are home schooled together for different activities and events. Home schooling advocates assert that these activities and events allow children who are home schooled ample opportunity to interact with other children their own ages.

Most education analysts believe that the trend towards home schooling will continue onward into the immediate future. These experts believe that an ever growing number of parents are going to elect to educate their children at home as an alternative to problematic public schools and expensive private schools.

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More information on Home Schooling

Article Source: http://www.ArticleGeek.com

How to Succeed as Stay-at-Home Mom

How to Succeed as a Stay-at-Home Mom

By: Donald Lee

Stay-at-home moms are no longer just the co-stars from Leave It To Beaver, the Brady Bunch, and other television shows from a bygone era. Taking care of the kids has become the cool thing to do again for women in their 20s and 30s. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there are at least 5.4 million stay-at-home parents in the United States alone. These are a dynamic bunch of women, and men, who see opportunities in their domestic role, especially the opportunities presented by the Internet.

Sure, many of these parents gave up exciting careers and important roles in their community to take up the time-honored tradition of rearing their children. You yourself may have put goals and dreams on the back burner when you accepted the commitment and responsibility of raising your little ones. You understand the importance of a parent being there for those firsts: the first crawl, the first step, the first "momma" and "dadda."

At the same time, though, you may feel like you have taken on too much. Not only do you have the pressures of bringing up a smart, well-behaved child. You worry about being able to make ends meet to provide everything your child needs.

If this sounds all too familiar, take a deep breath, turn off the television, and log online. No, don't think you're going to surf the Web to just pass the time. The Internet is your portal to transforming your stay-at-home life. In between the diaper changes and feedings, bedtimes and burpings, you can reach beyond the walls of your home and access the outside world as never before. The benefits are as close to limitless as the millions of sites on the Web, including:

  • E-support system. Whether you're searching for other stay-at-home moms to lean on, folks with the same health ailment as yourself, or even just other Oprah fanatics, the Internet is like one big community center where you can find them.

  • Friends and fun. Through e-mail, chat rooms, and instant messaging, the Internet is one of the easiest ways to keep in touch with old friends and family members, as well as to meet new acquaintances.

  • Cyber community. Look for your neighborhood's Web site for information on shopping, festivals, town hall meetings, and other local interests. If you can't find your town's home on the Internet, take a leadership role in creating it with the help of your neighbors.

  • Cap and gown. Many community colleges and universities offer e-courses. You never need to step foot on the campus to earn degrees in finance, English, accounting, or whatever else suit your fancy.

  • Steals and deals. If you're looking for some of the biggest discounts and best selection for anything from electronics to groceries, books to automobiles, the Web is your marketplace.

  • Cash flow. The Internet can work for you, as well, if you are on the other end of the cash register. The Web provides an unparalleled avenue to sell goods. It can link you to interested buyers if you're only looking to unload a few knickknacks to unclutter your home. If you have enough stuff to open a garage sale, you can do that, too, without time or space constraints. Or try your hand at a full-time online business if you get bit by the entrepreneurial bug.
The Internet can open up the outside world to you for all of these benefits, but you need the right set of keys to open the door. Your first "key" is the type of Internet access you use. You'll need to weigh your budget versus how fast you want to navigate on the Web. Cable and DSL hook ups provide zippy access but can cut into your profit margins. Dial up, on the other, can be cheap or even free, but can slow down your productivity.

Once you have your hook up established, you'll need to get your feet wet before you do heavy surfing. Find trusted sites for your activities. Look for certified schools to take courses at and secure shopping zones to purchase at. When selling or starting your own business, do your research to find the most trusted and thrifty auction and classified sites. The right classified sites can be like your neighborhood paper, except they reach millions of people around the globe. In many cases, the best classified sites will also charge no start up or transaction fees and offer safe ways to communicate and do business with clients.

Settle these basics, and you can be virtually ensured to become a true M.O.M, a master of multitasking. In the time it takes your child to take a nap or watch an episode of Blues Clues, you will be able to earn 4 more credits to your finance degree, buy a new mp3 player, and sell a closet's worth of stuff.

Author Bio
Donald Lee is the public relations manager for Buysellcommunity.com. Buysellcommunity provides free classified listing services for individuals and businesses to market their products and services online. For global and localized classifieds, please visit http://www.buysellcommunity.com - Free Buy & Sell Classifieds

Article Source: http://www.ArticleGeek.com - Free Website Content

Changing Your Child's Behavior With Positive Reinforcement

By: Destry Maycock, MSW

Think about your interactions with your children today. How many things did you notice they did wrong? What did you do or say to them because of their wrong doings? Have they engaged in the same kind of behavior before? What did you do or say the times before? Is it working? How many things did you notice your children did right today? If you did take the time to notice, what did you do or say to them? Did you praise or reward them in some way? If so, then read no further and keep up the good work. If you could use a little work on doing this, then read on.

Let's face it. We parents often neglect to notice the positive things our children do. Rather, we tend to focus on our children's negative behaviors, because they either annoy us or otherwise make our lives difficult. Have you ever heard the phrase, "that which gets noticed gets repeated?" If all we ever notice is the negative things our children do, then why would they do anything different? It is as if we program our children to believe "if I'm only noticed when I do something wrong, then so be it."

It is just as important, if not more, to notice our children's positive behaviors. Remember most behaviors are controlled by their consequences. Some may believe rewarding kids for positive behavior is bribery. We all receive rewards daily for doing things well, at work, at home, and at play. These rewards often motivate us to continue the behaviors for which they were received. Where parents use rewards ineffectively is when they give a positive consequence to stop an inappropriate behavior. For example, "I'll give you a cookie if you stop whining." This only encourages the inappropriate behavior. Where as rewarding kids for their positive behaviors is quite the opposite and much more productive.

Using positive reinforcement to strengthen a desired behavior is easy. Just watch and wait for the behavior to occur then reinforce it with praise, a pat on the back or a special privilege. It may go something like this, "David, I really appreciate how you came in the house when I asked and you even did it without a big hassle. You should feel good about being able to do that." How about, "Wow Jamie, your bedroom looks awesome. You must have worked really hard on it. I bet you worked up a healthy appetite. Why don't you decide what we have for lunch today."

Focusing on your children's positive behaviors could be the most productive parenting change you make if you don't already do it. Chances are you have been trained like the rest of us to only call attention to the bad things your kids do. This phenomenon isn't found solely in the parent/child relationship. It is also prevalent in spousal, sibling and employee/employer relationships. When was the last time your boss called you into his office and asked you to shut the door? Was it because he just wanted to tell you what a wonderful job you are doing and how valuable of an employee you are? If so, lucky you. More than likely, it was because he wanted to talk to you about something he thought you could do better or you were doing something wrong. People tend to take positive behavior for granted and punish negative behaviors.

Some parents find it helpful to make a note and put it where they can see it often. The note might read, "notice the positive" or "catch'em doing good." You may also want to consider using a jar of consequences, a parenting tool that parents can use to help them focus on and reinforce the positive behaviors their children exhibit.

Catch your kids being good. It could have a profound affect on the atmosphere in your home. Whatever it takes I assure you it will be worth it.

Author Bio
Destry Maycock, MSW has had over eleven years experience working with children and families as a professional social worker. Destry has helped hundreds of parents solve a variety of parenting challenges and strengthen their relationships with their children. Destry enjoys developing tools that help parents with the difficult but rewarding duty of raising children. His most recent creations can be found at www.parentingstore.com

Article Source: http://www.ArticleGeek.com - Free Website Content