Rabu, 24 Maret 2010

Menumbuhkan sikap positif dan motorik kasar
pada anak usia tiga tahun

Pada sebuah acara seminar kecil tentang cara mendidik anak, seorang pembicara bertanya kepada peserta seminar.”Menurut Anda mulai usia berapa seorang anak menunjukkan kerajinan??” Beberapa dari kami menebak saja.Ada yang menjawab lima tahun. ..duabelas tahun....tujuh tahun....remaja...tapi tidak ada satupun jawaban yang benar. Karena tidak ada yang berhasil menjawab dengan benar, sang pembicara akhirnya memberitahu. Ternyata jawaban yang benar adalah tiga tahun. Pada usia tiga tahun seorang anak mulai menunjukkan kerajinannya.
“Coba bandingkan anak usia tiga tahun dengan usia anak di atasnya...” Biasanya anak-anak yang lebih tua mulai menolak bila diminta untuk melakukan sesuatu, mengembalikan mainannya ke tempatnya misalnya. Sedangkan anak usia tiga tahun, sedang rajin-rajinnya bila dimintai tolong. Bahkan tanpa disuruh sekalipun mereka suka meniru pekerjaan yang biasanya dilakukan oleh orang dewasa. Kalau ayahnya suka mencuci motor atau mobil seorang anak laki-laki biasanya ikut-ikutan melakukan hal sama. Mencuci sepedanya misalnya. Mau menyapu atau mengepel rumah seperti ibunya.
Oleh karena itu pada usia ini sebaiknya orangtua memanfaatkan kesempatan untuk menanamkan tanggungjawab, kemandirian dan sikap rajin pada anak. Banyak orangtua yang justru melarang anaknya untuk memegang ini dan itu, melakukan ini dan itu, tanpa mengarahkan dan memberi kesempatan anak untuk bereksplorasi. Akhirnya anak menjadi tidak berkembang dengan optimal. Jangan sampai sikap protektif kita sebagai orangtua menghambat pertumbuhan anak.Beri anak kesempatan untuk melakukan tugas-tugas kecil yang sesuai dengan kemampuannya. Contohnya: merapikan mainannya sendiri, makan dan minum sendiri, memakai bajunya sendiri, dimintai tolong mengambil benda yang bisa dengan mudah diambilnya. Pokoknya tugas-tugas yang mampu dia lakukan. Arahkan untuk melakukan tugas-tugas itu dengan benar, bila anak keliru melakukannya. Beri penjelasan kepada anak fungsi dari setiap aktifitas. Aktifitas menyapu misalnya “ Ade ayo kita sapu rumah kita supaya rumah kita jadi rapi dan bersih” Kalaupun hasil yang anak kita kerjakan tidak sesuai dengan harapan kita,makan sendiri misalnya, makanannya bertumpahan kemana-mana. Jangan langsung marah-marah dan menyuapi anak, tapi teruslah memberinya kesempatan kepadanya setelah selesai makan minta anak atau bersama-sama memungut atau membersihkan tumpahan makanannya. Bila mau mengantisipasi supaya tidak terlalu berserakan kemana-mana, tempat duduk anak dan makanannya dialasi dengan koran.
Satu hal yang tidak kalah penting adalah berilah pujian kepada anak bila melakukan aktifitas dengan baik (walaupun tidak sempurna). Pujian yang kita berikan akan menjadi pendukung bagi anak untuk melakukan yang baik.
Pada usia ini gerakan motorik kasar pada anak juga mengalami kemajuan yang baik sekali, sehingga dengan memberi anak kesempatan untuk banyak bergerak dan melakukan aktifitas yang bermanfaat, perkembangan motorik kasarnya akan lebih maksimal perkembangannya.
Jadi selain sikap positif anak (tanggungjawab, kemandirian dan rajin) akan berkembang, motorik kasarnya (yang melibatkan gerakan seperti berjalan, melompat, berputar, berlari ,dll) juga akan maksimal.

Senin, 15 Maret 2010

Anak Anda Malas Makan???
Anak anda malas makan? Banyak sekali orangtua yang mengalaminya. Saya adalah salah satunya. Anak saya mulai makan ketika dia berusia 6 bulan. Pada usia itu saya beri bubur susu untuk pengenalan. Untuk praktisnya dan karena kurangnya pengetahuan tentang cara membuat bubur susu sendiri, saya membelinya di supermarket terdekat. Supaya tidak bosan saya membeli 3 macam rasa yaitu rasa pisang,beras merah dan beras putih.
Ketiga rasa itu saya itu saya berikan secara bergantian dan sering saya campurkan dengan susu. Sebulan dua bulan dia makan dengan lahap,bulan ketiga diberi makan, dia mulai melakukan aksi tutup mulut. Bahkan sering dia tahan sendok yang masuk ke mulutnya dengan gigi kecilnya yang baru tumbuh. Karena seringnya dia melakukan aksi itu, acara makan menjadi waktu yang tidak menyenangkan baik untuk dia maupun bagi saya.
Karena khawatir saya ‘curhat’ kepada suami saya. Beruntung dia mau mendengar ‘curhatan’ saya dan bukan hanya itu. Besoknya dia membawakan 2 buah buku kecil yang berisi resep bubur susu dan jus buah. Bagusnya buku itu juga berisi kandungan vitamin per-porsi dan cara memasak yang sangat mudah.Untuk jus juga demikian bahkan ada khasiat,misalnya jus tomat untuk meningkatkan nafsu makan, jus avokad susu untuk meningkatkan daya ingat pada anak.
Begitu diberi resep-resep itu langsug saya coba di dapur saya. Syukur kepada Tuhan, anak saya sangat menyukai makanannya. Acara makan juga jadi acara yang menyenangkan bagi kami. Buku seri makanan pendamping asi ini berisi 35 resep baik jus maupun bubur susu. Berikut ini saya akan membagikan 2 buah resep jus dan bubur susu yang saya kutip dari ke-2 buku tersebut:
BUBUR SUSU PISANG (untuk 2 porsi)
2 sdm tepung hunkue
200ml susu formula
½ buah pisang ambon matang
50ml air matang
Cara membuat:
1. Larutkan tepung hunkue dengan susu formula. Panaskan dengan api sedang sambil diaduk.
2. Kemudian, blender pisang dengan air matang. Segera masukkan ke dalam bubur hunkue yang sedang dimasak. Aduk terus sampai bubur kental dan meletup-letup. Angkat, lalu masukkan ke dalam mangkuk kecil.
3. Biarkan sebentar sampai berkurang panasnya. Sajikan kepada bayi.

Nilai gizi per porsi:
Energi: 237,2 Kkal
Protein: 8,5 gram
Lemak: 7,3 gram
Karbohidrat: 35,2 gram
Pisang merupakan sumber mineral potasium yang berperan penting dalam fungsi sel saraf.

JUS TOMAT (untuk 2 porsi)
2 buah tomat jus
100ml air matang
1 sdm air jeruk manis
Cara membuat:
1. Rendam tomat dalam air panas, kemudian kupas kulitnya dan buang bijinya. Proses dengan blender bersama air matang
2. Tambahkan air jeruk manis. Aduk rata, tuang ke dalam gelas.
3. Sajikan pada bayi.
Jumlah energi per porsi:
Energi: 26,9 kkal
Protein: 0,5 gram
Lemak: 0,1 gram
Karbohidrat: 6,7 gram
Salah satu zat gizi yang terdapat pada tomat adalah selenium. Bersama asupan vitamin E dalam jumlah yang cukup, selenium bekerja memperlambat laju perusakan sel tubuh yang disebabkan senyawa radikal bebas. Selain itu mengkonsumsi jus tomat satu jam sebelum makan dapat meningkatkan nafsu makan anak.
Semoga bermanfaat bagi Anda!!!

Hargailah Anak Sesuai Keberadaannya

Pada iklan sebuah produk di televisi ditayangkan seorang ibu yang heran seorang teman anaknya lebih tinggi dibandingkan anaknya. Bahkan sangking penasaran ia lalu menjejerkan anaknya sendiri dengan teman anaknya itu dan bertanya kenapa teman anaknya lebih tinggi dibandingkan anaknya. Di iklan yang lain ada tayangan yang serupa tapi tak sama. Di sebuah kelas TK seorang guru meminta murid-muridnya memasangkan mata jerapah di tempat yang tepat pada sebuah boneka jerapah. Anak yang lebih tinggi dapat dengan mudah memasang mata jerapah itu dibandingkan anak yang bertubuh pendek.
Ternyata gambaran serupa bukan hanya terjadi di iklan-iklan, tapi juga dalam keseharian kita sebagai orangtua dan pendidik. “Si Ivan kok bisa dapat 100 kamu cuma 70!!!”. Seringnya kita mendengar orangtua yang membanding-bandingkan nilai ulangan anaknya dengan anak temannya. Bukan itu saja dalam rumah juga seorang anak kerap dibandingkan dengan kakak atau adiknya. “Kamu kok tidak seperti kakakmu rajin...kamu tuh malas banget kalau mama lihat!!!”. Sadar atau tidak sadar, sengaja atau tidak sengaja membanding-bandingkan anak bukan hal yang jarang kita lihat bahkan kita lakukan.
Sebagai orangtua Anda dan saya tentu menginginkan yang terbaik untuk buah hati kita. Ada beberapa orangtua yang dengan sengaja dan sadar memakai metode membandingkan ini untuk memicu motivasi anaknya untuk menjadi lebih baik bagi anak lain.Memicu daya bersaing, begitu alasannya. Mungkin ada benarnya tapi yang pasti lebih banyak bahayanya.
Apa saja bahayanya?
1. Anak menjadi tidak percaya diri dan cenderung ingin menjadi seperti seseorang seperti yang diinginkan orangtuanya.Bahayanya dia bisa menjadi pribadi yang tidak berkembang sesuai kelebihan yang ada pada dirinya, karena berpatokan pada orang lain yang jelas-jelas berbeda dengan dia.
2. Marah terselubung dalam diri anak baik pada orangtuanya, dirinya sendiri maupun anak yang menjadi patokan perbandingan. Marah ini tidak terlihat secara fisik ketika seseorang masih anak-anak tetapi seperti “bom atom” yang siap kapan saja meledak. Pemberontakkan masa remaja misalnya.
3. Berkembangnya rasa iri atau sirik pada diri anak.
4. Rasa iri atau sirik membuahkan sikap bersaing yang tidak sehat baik dalam pelajaran di sekolah maupun keseharian. Segala cara dilakukan entah baik atau tidak baik untuk menjadi yang terbaik. Sikap ini bisa bertahan hingga dia menjadi dewasa. Ini seringkali terlihat di dunia kerja. Persaingan yang tidak sehat untuk mencapai jabatan tertentu,’ menjatuhkan’ orang lain bila perlu. Di kehidupan bertetangga juga sering terlihat. Kalau ada tetangga yang mempunyai barang baru, muncul keinginan menjadikannya bahan ‘gosip’ atau tidak mau kalah dengan membeli barang yang sama atau lebih bagus dari yang dipunyai tetangganya itu.
Seorang pakar psikologi anak pernah mengatakan bahwa kalau kita memang mau memakai metode perbandingan . Pakailah perbandingan perkembangan dalam diri anak itu sendiri pada periode yang lalu dan sekarang. Misalnya pada raport Andi semester pertama ada satu mata pelajaran yang merah,dibandingkan dengan semester kedua ada dua mata pelajaran yang merah.Itu artinya nilai Andi mengalami kemunduran. Contoh lainnya Ira malas merapikan tempat tidur bulan lalu tetapi bulan ini dia sudah mau merapikan tempat tidurnya tanpa disuruh walaupun tidak serapih kakaknya. Itu artinya Ira mengalami kemajuan dalam kerapihan.
Oleh karena lebih banyak bahayanya dibandingkan positifnya, jauh lebih baik Anda dan saya memilih untuk menghargai anak sesuai kepribadiannya, sesuai minat dan bakatnya, sesuai kelebihan dan kekurangannya, sesuai keunikannya.Hargai anak sesuai keberadaannya.

Selasa, 02 Maret 2010

Tips on how to find Motivation and still be Motivated?

Tips on how to find Motivation and still be Motivated?

[Valid RSS feed] Category Rss Feed - http://www.articlesfree.co.uk/rss.php?rss=337
By : Chukwuemeka Agbata
19 or more times read
Submitted 2010-01-31 12:22:41
My target today is to highlight some strategies towards turning into motivated in ones life. Yes, generally life challenges tend to create us less ecstatic because when we are ecstatic we are possibly not motivated.

What is Motiavation?

Motivation is the inner drive that keeps us going, it's drive that allows you kick start a task and see it through to the end. You can also say it is the reason an individual succeeds and another fails.

With this in mind, we apprehend that motivation is the connect between us and our goals. Without motivation you'll not achieve something and when you have apathy towards things, then you won't get motivated one bit. If you've got an attitude of apathy then you won't succeed because you don’t care if you do succeed or not.

As soon as you master the tips about how to stay motivated you may be able to also help other persons master the act. At first a couple of these tips could probably be troublesome for you to do or to keep in mind. It will eventually take time in your case so begin normally but after a while it becomes part of you.

Motivation has a lot to do with feelings, it is usually a case of how you feel. What this suggests is that you can also get yourself to feel motivated anytime you wish by mastering your emotions, facing the challenges of life head on, connecting with good individuals, and private positive outlook.

Daily motivational practice need to be performed so as to feel compelled to achieving your goals. When you start operating towards becoming motivated you will realize some of these tips almost impossible to act on. One of the things you would like to do is to form a to-do-list and build a commitment to yourself to see them through always. As we all know most times good things don't come simple thus don't expect these things to have an effect virtually immediately. You will have to work hard towards attaining your goals to remain motivated and after a while you become a master at them. The nice factor is that, other folks around you'll also catch the motivational bug as well.
Author Resource:

Chukwuemeka Fred Agbata Jnr. invites you to read more on Get Inspired.

Article From Articles Free UK

7 Practical Things You Need to Know on How to Start Organizing Your Life

7 Practical Things You Need to Know on How to Start Organizing Your Life

[Valid RSS feed] Category Rss Feed - http://www.articlesfree.co.uk/rss.php?rss=337
By : Jacob Schiffer
19 or more times read
Submitted 2010-02-22 20:43:35
Although getting organized is something that needs undivided attention, you can get started by following these practical suggestions: simplify, take things one at a time, delegate, create a checklist, make a schedule, develop a routine, and systematize.

Because life can be very stressful at times, it is unavoidable to experience disorganized way of living. Mess and chaos can be very demanding, yet manageable. Time management is the sole solution to your predicament. If you are serious in making a big change, you might as well try some suggestions on how toget started with organizing your life. Although this may be difficult to initiate, but taking things slowly would be of great help. Below is a list of things to do on how to kick off towards putting your life in order.


The best thing to do before you proceed to organizing your life is to simplify. If you feel like your whole life is in disarray, find time to make things less complicated by knowing what your needs and wants are. Do not try to stuff all things in one place only to find out later that it is about to overflow.

Take things one at a time

It is not unusual to grab anything you like all at once like opportunities, finances, and material possessions. Do not be greedy; know your capacity to carry out things simultaneously. You might want all of them, but you do not need them. It is normal to experience such things; however, come to think of how you can manage them without getting exhausted. Accept things as they come and take things slowly.


As much as we want to be hands-on in every task that we do, it is just hard to do everything with one body. Sometimes, our minds are so strong that it dictates us to take full control on the things that we do, but our body is so weak to obey; thereby, showing the exact opposite of what it is told to do. Maybe it is now time to delegate some tasks to others, and stop claiming to be one of the superheroes. You also need time to rest because even machines become busted when repeatedly used and abused.

Create a checklist

Even if our minds are capable of storing large inputs of memories, it is not unlikely to sometimes forget things especially in the presence of stressful situations. Therefore, it is advisable to keep a small notepad with you wherein you can jot down all the things you need to accomplish for a certain time frame. Every time you get to finish a particular task, do not forget to crash it out, so that at the end of the day you will feel relieved and satisfied. Knowing that you were able to carry out several tasks smoothly is already a great achievement.

Make a schedule

Getting organized is what time management is all about. Plot a schedule of all your planned activities whether weekly or monthly, depending on your preference. You have to include in your schedule the following: paying of bills, going to grocery, unwinding, hearing mass, and the likes. By doing this, you will be able to execute things spontaneously because you can already anticipate what thing to do next.

Develop a routine

Once you have established everything, you are now ready to develop a routine. Things will just happen naturally since you were already able to adapt on the situation. You do not have to be told what to do next because it has already been put into your system.


Put every single thing in place and proper order. Arrange all your personal files, bills, and office documents in separate shelves and if possible with labels, so that it would be easier and faster to locate by the time you will need them.

Once you have started getting organized, never allow yourself to go back to your previous life. Maintain what you have started and you will see amazing benefits of time management.
Author Resource:

To learn more on getting organized, you may want to check out more tips and other related articles at http://www.best-of-time-management.com/organized-living.htm

Article From Articles Free UK

Free Article Writing Tips to Increase Website Traffic

Free Article Writing Tips to Increase Website Traffic
By: John Michaels

If you're not doing so already, you may want to consider writing articles about your website's topic. Writing copyright free articles is a great way to:

* Establish your credibility and build your reputation and brand
* Establish yourself as an expert in your field
* Increase your exposure on the internet
* Gain laser targeted traffic to your website
* Increase the number of one way links to your website, which should help your website in the search results.

Writing articles about the topic of your website is a fantastic way to demonstrate your expertise and credibility and at the same time allows you to build your reputation and your brand. Submitting your articles to the various free article sites gives your articles the opportunity to be picked up by other webmasters for their websites and newsletters. When your articles get used on these other websites they must be used with the author bio section un-edited. This means that you can generate one way links to your website, which in turn leads to greater exposure and better rankings in the search engines. If the readers of your articles on other sites click through to your site, you gain targeted traffic.

Some Article Writing Tips
To get the greatest benefit from your article writing endeavors, try to keep the following article writing tips in mind:

* Try to stay away from turning your article into a sales pitch. Give your readers credit - they will be able to distinguish a sales pitch right away. Once they think they're just reading another sales pitch they will quickly click away from your article. I can just about guarantee that no one will pick up your sales pitch and use it on their website, unless it's one of your affiliates.

* Don't include too many hyperlinks within the article body and stick to only one in the author bio section. Most webmasters will not pick up an article, no matter how good it is, if there are too many outgoing links. I would recommend not having any links within the article body but sometimes this is unavoidable.

Which situation would you rather have: 1 article with 1 outgoing link to your website that gets picked up by 1,000 webmasters or 1 article with 10 outgoing links that gets picked up by 10 webmasters?

* Check, re-check and then check your article again for typos and grammatical errors. Have someone else proofread it for you before submitting it. Nothing says amateur more than typos and grammatical errors.

* Write articles that complement the topic of your website. Don't write about something totally unrelated to your website. Remember, you want to establish your credibility and expertise. Write about what you know.

* When adding that one link back to your site, make sure to include a keyword targeted link back to your site. I'm talking specifically about the words between the anchor tags. For example, this is how you should structure the link back to your website: keywords go here.

When the search engine robots come across this link they will index the anchor text and it will help you with those keywords in the search engines. Do not waste this valuable link by just having your website address (www.website.com) as the anchor text unless you have your main keywords in the website address. Try to vary the keywords a little as well when creating this link. There is speculation that having too many "uniform" links to a site may hurt you - just something to keep in mind.

* Do not place a copyright notice at the top of your article. This leads to confusion and may cause webmasters to stay away from posting your articles on their website and in their newsletters.

* It may be a good idea to write completely new content for your articles. Some writers just copy and paste parts of their websites and put them into articles. This may lead to a "duplicate content" penalty and may end up hurting your search engine results. I would recommend that you should play it safe and come up with totally new content for your articles.

How Many Articles Should I Write?
The number of articles that you will have to write really depends on how good your competitors are. If you're competing against many highly optimized websites, then you may have your work cut out for you. On the other hand, if you notice that your competitors are not all that great at the SEO thing, your road to article writing will be much shorter. Any way you look at it, writing articles can bring too many benefits that are yours for the taking.

Author Bio
John Michaels is a part-time editor for ArticleGeek.com. John has developed many websites over the years in many different business areas. He is a professional web developer/designer/architect. ArticleGeek is a free website content resource for publishers and webmasters and a place where authors may submit articles for FREE!

Article Source: http://www.ArticleGeek.com - Free Website Content

Greeting cards – Express yourself

Greeting cards – Express yourself

[Valid RSS feed] Category Rss Feed - http://www.articlesfree.co.uk/rss.php?rss=294
By : Travis M. Griffin
19 or more times read
Submitted 2010-03-02 06:11:44
Expressing feelings and emotions to someone can be bit difficult, mostly when someone has to propose to someone or apologize. There are many people who prefer expressing themselves freely but there some reserved persons who cannot express what they have on their mind; they only prefer talking to a person whom they know. They are not as expressive with others as they are with their friends and family. So, it becomes very difficult for them to express their feelings for others. Such people prefer expressing themselves through words and greeting cards is the best way for them.

For some people greeting cards are just a piece of paper but for others it carries a lot of significance. Greeting cards make any event or occasion special such as birthday, festival, anniversary, wedding and many more. Greeting cards are the language of love, care and concern. It is not only used to share happy moments in life but it is also used to show care and condolence on certain occasions of sadness. This is one of the best ways to send across your heart felt feelings, gestures, love and affection. You can just mail your greeting card that will show your love towards that person, even if you are not present during any event. This piece of paper has the ability to say many things that are in your heart, but you cannot bring it to your mouth. You can give greeting cards to anyone whether your family, friends, neighbour or someone special. You don’t need any special occasion to send your happy greetings to anyone; just send across your card and wait for their happy and delightful reaction when they receive your card.

These days people think that purchasing and sending greeting cards to family and friends has become old fashioned but the feelings that the receiver experiences while receiving cards is different than that while receiving E-cards. Greeting cards are also a beautiful way to introduce your company in fashion to the potential customers.

Greeting cards can also be used as invitations. Postcards can also be used as an alternative to greeting cards but the style and creativeness that greeting card has are bit different from postcards. Postcards are single sided without any folds and greetings cards have beautifully decorated front page opening up to the inner side with the messages.

So, if you wish to convey your love, affection and care to your closed one across the country then greeting cards will be the best way. There are many printing companies that will provide you greeting cards or postcards in bulk. But it is best to avail waterless printing as it is eco-friendly. The companies that use waterless printing provide fine art printings; they use the latest technology for the highest quality. Printing companies print different sizes and types of cards, and they will guarantee you delivery of your greeting cards in maximum seven to ten days.

Article From Articles Free UK